Cooking Safety Resources for National Fire Prevention Month

Cooking Safety Resources for National Fire Prevention Month
Anthony Conte

October is National Fire Prevention Month, with National Fire Prevention Week taking place October 8-14. Because cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, and unattended cooking is the leading cause of cooking fires and deaths, this year’s theme is Cooking Safety Starts with You; Pay Attention to Fire Prevention™. 

Printable Cooking Safety Resources 

As a leading provider of fire alarm design software, we at Cadgen want to share what the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has made available to those who are concerned with spreading the fire safety message to their audience this October. Here are some resources you may wish to share with your audience:

Cooking Safety Printables for Kids

The NFPA also makes available National Fire Prevention Week resources for kids. This year’s children’s materials for educators and fire safety professionals are:

Fire Prevention is for Everyone

The fall season is typically when cooking fires begin to escalate in both residential and business environments. With fall underway and the holiday season upon us soon, both homes and businesses alike can benefit from the educational resources of National Fire Prevention Month. If you are a fire safety professional, fire safety educator, fire alarm designer or other fire prevention professional, we hope these resources will benefit you. 

Call Cadgen to Learn More 

To learn more about FireCAD™, a fire alarm design software that can simplify the process of creating a complex fire alarm system, contact Cadgen to inquire about our lifetime license and flexible subscription options. Please contact our sales department at (855) 206-1480 Ext. 1. 

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